1. Elevator Consulting Associates
  2. Our Services
  3. Total Invoice Management for Elevators

Total Invoice Management for Elevators

TIME.  That’s what we all need more of.  With Total Invoice Management for Elevators, that’s what we give you.  By literally inserting ourselves into the invoice stream between your elevator contractor and you, we take away the time and hassle of trying to figure out whether you should pay the extra elevator invoices, and whether the amounts reflected are accurate and fair.  Oh, and did we mention, we have structured this service to guarantee that you will incur NO NET COST!

The following is a sample scope of work for Total Invoice Management for Elevators:

A.  ECA will contact your contractor to have them provide an electronic copy of all elevator/escalator invoices they generate for your property.  You will continue to get the hard copy, but you don’t need to do anything with it until you hear from ECA.

B.  We will review all invoices against your contract to determine whether they should be paid.  The majority of invoices are valid, and we will advise you to pay those ones.  Some are clearly not valid, and we will advise you not to pay those and we will contact your contractor to have them generate a credit memo.

C.  If any invoices are disputed, ECA will gather all information from both owner and contractor and negotiate a settlement that is agreeable to both parties.

D.  The above conditions mainly apply to “extra billing” invoices such as after hours billing or billing for items not covered such as vandalism or accidental damage.  ECA will also review monthly elevator billing invoices to make sure those are correct.  Most contracts call for annual price escalation, so we will confirm that the escalation occurs when it should, and we will validate that the amount of escalation is per the contract provisions.

E.  ECA will track all invoices we review, showing you the total amount approved for payment, and the total amount credited by the contractor as a result of our review process.

F.  We will also keep track of the date when your contract is set to expire.  We will notify you well in advance of any notice which must be given to the contractor to cancel the work.  If you would like, we can then begin Elevator Contract Transition Management at that time.

G.  GUARANTEE:  The best part about Total Invoice Management for Elevators?  Our plan is structured such that WE GUARANTEE YOU WILL INCUR NO NET COST FOR THIS SERVICE!  How can we do this?  Give us a call to find out at 888-908-4ECA, or feel free to call Sean Colgan or Matt Ensley directly to discuss this amazing offer.

H.  THE ECA DIFFERENCE:  When you contract with ECA for Total Invoice Management for Elevators, we will answer any/all questions you have about your elevator service as long as you are signed up for the service.  Our goal is to help you understand your elevators and to manage them the most effectively.  By keeping ourselves available to you at all times, we can help you gain new understanding of your elevators and to save time and effort in doing research on your own.

IN ADDITION, if you combine any services with Total Invoice Management for Elevators, which typically may include Vertical Transportation Condition AssessmentElevator Maintenance Contract ManagementElevator Contract Transition Management, or Online Elevator Records Analysis, package discounts will apply beginning at 20% discount for the first additional service.

Is Your Elevator Maintenance Contract About to Expire?

We'll provide a complimentary assessment of your existing contract, along with advice on how best to proceed in establishing your new contract.

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