Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where is ECA located?
A: Our offices are located in both Northern and Southern California. We service Northern California out of our office in the Sacramento area, and we service Southern California out of our office in the Northern Los Angeles area.
Q: What geographical areas does ECA serve?
A: Our primary focus is the West Coast, including all of California, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington. However, we will travel outside of this geographical area as needed to service our customers. We do not charge travel expenses to California or Nevada. Outside of those states, travel expenses may apply when on-site visits are required.
Q: Do you do escalators too?
A: Yes! ECA is expert in all types of vertical transportation and horizontal transportation, including elevators, escalators, moving walks, wheelchair lifts, material lifts, etc.
Q: How much money can I save with Total Invoice Management for Elevators?
A: You will save more than our fee…guaranteed! Click here for more details.
Q: How do I know when it is time to modernize my elevators?
A: The quick answer is that your elevators will tell you when it is time, and if they don’t, your tenants will. In reality, modern elevators typically require modernization about every 20-25 years. However, each system and each building is different. Feel free to give us a call with the specifics of your building and we can give you a rough idea right over the phone whether the time has come to consider modernization.
Q: Do you provide customized elevator consulting services?
A: Absolutely! Our goal is to provide the best available programs customized to your specific needs. We would love to talk to you to understand your needs and come up with a program that is best for you.
Is Your Elevator Maintenance Contract About to Expire?
We'll provide a complimentary assessment of your existing contract, along with advice on how best to proceed in establishing your new contract.
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