Elevator Contract Transition Management
Do you know when your current elevator/escalator contract expires? When it does, do you know what happens? Does it go to month to month, or automatically renew? If it renews, is it for one year, three years, five years, or even ten years? These questions are just the beginning of what you really need to know to be sure you make the correct decision as you enter into a new maintenance contract. That’s where we come in. We perform a thorough examination of your current contract to determine the exact dates by which decisions must be made and notice of cancellation given to the contractor. We then examine the contract itself to see if its language is to your benefit, whether any changes should be made, or if it would be better to write a new contract entirely. Finally, we evaluate the maintenance being provided, and determine whether to take the maintenance out to bid or to simply negotiate new pricing and terms with the existing elevator maintenance contractor.
The following is a sample scope of work for Elevator Contract Transition Management:
A. ECA will review your current contract to establish the key milestone dates associated with the transition. In some cases, there may be several years before the contract expires. If that is the case and nothing can be done at the present time, ECA will not charge for time spent reviewing the contract.
B. Assuming the contract expires in the relatively near future, we will assist in providing any required notice to the current contractor.
C. We will thoroughly evaluate your current contract and let you know if it is a good form of contract to continue using. If changes are required, we will write those into the contract or as a rider. If the contract is not an advantageous form of contract for you to use, we will write a new contract customized to your property.
D. We will then interview you and your personnel about the elevator service being provided. If necessary, we may recommend a Vertical Transportation Condition Audit be performed to insure there is no deferred maintenance in place (work that has not been done but is included in your contract).
E. We will then provide our recommendation whether to negotiate the new or revised contract with the existing contractor, or whether it would be more advantageous for you to take the maintenance at the property out to bid.
F. If the current contractor is to be retained, we will fully negotiate the new contract terms and pricing, and coordinate contract execution.
G. If the maintenance is to be bid out, ECA will conduct the entire bid process, gather the bids, conduct any necessary interviews, and make a recommendation as to the best provider for the property. Once a provider is chosen, we will fully negotiate the contract, prepare the documents, and coordinate execution.
H. Once all contract documents are signed, whether the maintenance was bid or simply negotiated with the current contractor, ECA will conduct an on-site meeting between the contractor and owner to insure all parties understand the new agreement and that the contractor performs according to its provisions.
I. THE ECA DIFFERENCE: When you contract with ECA for a Elevator Contract Transition Management, we will answer any/all questions you have about your elevator service over the first calendar year following the signed agreement. Our goal is to help you understand your elevators and to manage them the most effectively. By keeping ourselves available over the next year, we can help you gain new understanding of your elevators and to save time and effort in doing research on your own.
Is Your Elevator Maintenance Contract About to Expire?
We'll provide a complimentary assessment of your existing contract, along with advice on how best to proceed in establishing your new contract.
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