1. Elevator Consulting Associates
  2. Our Services
  3. Elevator Maintenance Contract Management

Elevator Maintenance Contract Management

This is product that is nearly always customized to your needs, and is based on the terms and conditions of your elevator maintenance contract.  In general terms, we work with you at the beginning to determine what amount of help you need from ECA to effectively manage your elevator maintenance contract.  Our goal is to lift from your plate the items which take the most of your time, lending our expertise to help you make all the right choices when it comes to your elevators.

The following is a list of services often included in Elevator Maintenance Contract Management:

A.  If there are any special and/or enforceable provisions in your contract, ECA can track those for you through various means.  For example, if your contract has a minimum required number of service hours per month, we can track those and report for you.

B.  We can review all proposals submitted by your elevator contractor to determine whether the work is required, and whether the price submitted is appropriate for the scope of work.

C.  When problems arise with your elevators, we can comment on what is happening, including interfacing with the contractor to determine the quickest possible solution.  We also explain to you what is occurring every step of the way, thus validating or clarifying what you are being told by the contractor.

D.  We can review any invoices that you question, and determine whether they are valid under the contract.  We can also implement Total Invoice Management for Elevators, which provides the ultimate time-savings for you.

E.  We can conduct on-site meetings with you and your elevator contractor on a regular or as-needed basis.  ECA will manage the agenda for the meetings, as well as produce meeting minutes and track deliverables.

F.  If needed based on the performance of your elevators, we can provide a Vertical Transportation Condition Assessment in order to create a complete snapshot of where your elevators stand, and what can be done to improve their overall performance.

G.  We also often combine Online Elevator Records Analysis with this service to provide detailed monthly analysis of the work done by your elevator contractor.

H.  These are just some of the many services that we can perform to assist you in managing your elevator maintenance contract.  Give us a call any time and we can customize a plan to fit your exact needs.

I.  THE ECA DIFFERENCE:  When you contract with ECA for a Elevator Maintenance Contract Management, we will answer any/all questions you have about your elevator service as long as we are assisting you.  Our goal is to help you understand your elevators and to manage them the most effectively.  By keeping ourselves available to you at all times, we can help you gain new understanding of your elevators and to save time and effort in doing research on your own.

IN ADDITION, if you combine any services with Elevator Maintenance Contract Management, which typically may include Vertical Transportation Condition AssessmentTotal Invoice Management for Elevators, or Online Elevator Records Analysis, package discounts will apply beginning at 20% discount for the first additional service.

Is Your Elevator Maintenance Contract About to Expire?

We'll provide a complimentary assessment of your existing contract, along with advice on how best to proceed in establishing your new contract.

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